Your Story...It's in the Details!
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Monday, May 08, 2023
By Heather Raub
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Your Story…It’s in the Details!

Details…they’re everything! I love hands working in the dirt, at a craft, and holding other hands. There’s also the tools we use and what they mean to us and what we do with them. The objects in our environment speak volumes about what’s important to us and how we live. These details tell the story of our lives. Taking pictures of faces gives us a glimpse into the personality and moods we experience, but adding the details can give us greater insight into who we are and how we relate to others, and the world around us. It gives context to the story.

When you’re a parent for the first time, you inspect every part of your child, from the soft downy hairs to their tiny toes. We marvel at their movements…the shape of their lips as they try to communicate, their little hands as they grasp and learn to hold things. We may forget to focus on these features as they grow, but then we revisit this awareness with our aging parents, or even ourselves. This may bring on different emotions, but we acknowledge the changes that occur as we refocus on the details.

Consider adding these details to your story when you’re out taking pictures, or when you hire a photographer to capture your family, self, or business. 

If you only have a phone camera with you, try putting the camera setting on macro, or the close up setting and get into the nooks and crannies of objects, hands, and events. Go “behind the scenes” of your subject and start thinking about what images would support the story you’re trying to capture. Better yet, make up a story and find the details to tell a new story!

When photographing your children, think about the toys they’re playing with, as well as their facial expressions. And, take a moment to notice and capture how they're playing. Looking back at those images will surely bring back memories of that exact time and feeling.

In a business, the details can affect your level of success. From the core values and customer journey, to the products and services that you sell, the details highlight your story and shape the experience your clients and customers have with you and your business.  

Photograph the process, or the tools of the trade, or the products produced. This will allow your customers to better connect with your business. You can highlight quality, details, and purpose. A great business is one that focuses on the details!

Think about the details that surround you..the elements of your environment…scents, sounds, and close up visuals. Next time, look a little deeper and a little closer. You will find where the beauty lies.

Small details in video...

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